On-Going Projects

Whole, Sustainable Lives Prioritize Children, Women, Men, Disabled, Minorities, All Prospering

Emergency Agriculture and Food Assistance to the IPC Phase 3 + households in Nangarhar Province

Project Code: CBPF-AFG-24-R-INGO-34403 Location: Nangarhar(Behsud, Durbaba and Dehbala Districts) Duration: 2025-01-15 to 2025-08-25 Budget (US$): 390,815 Donor: OCHA

Provision of emergency Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) to the most vulnerable households in hard-to-reach areas in Nuristan Province.

Project Code: CBPF-AFG-24-S-INGO-33659 Location: Nuristan Duration: 2024-10-15 to 2025-04-14 Budget (US$): 498,234 Donor: AHF

Approach to Development Emergency Initiative(ABADEI)

Project Code: UNDPAFGRPA/2024/08/02 Location: Bamyan province in five districts(Kahmard,Yahkawlang,Bamyan Seghan and Shiber) Duration: 2024-08-21 to 2025-08-31 Budget (US$): 1,271,024 Donor: UNDP

The project supported by the World Food Organization will become self-sufficient for the poor

Project Code: AF01-2215/2023-24/Jal/CSP-Resilience & Food system/FGA Location: Nangarhar, Laghman Duration: 2023-07-20 to 2025-03-31 Budget (US$): 3,019,940 Donor: WFP

Emergency Food Security

Project Code: OSRO/AFG/140/WBK Location: Laghman, Kunar, Logar, Nuristan & Nimroz Duration: 2024-05-01 to 2025-05-31 Budget (US$): 984,898 Donor: FAO

Protection of food security and nutrition of vulnerable families in Afghanistan

Project Code: GCP/AFG/106/USA Location: Nimroz,Nuristan, Logar, Kunar,Laghman & Badghis Duration: 2023-10-08 to 2026-03-31 Budget (US$): 3,729,016 Donor: UN-FAO


Project Code: AF01-2418/GFD & GFD - C Food/CBT and AF01-2419/BSFP-PBW/G-E & BSFP-CH-E Location: Nangarhar Duration: 2024-07-01 to 2025-06-30 Budget (US$): 515,099 Donor: WFP